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Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations pink rings
Affirmation Station 111 Affirmations I Am Empowered Empowerment Experiences
Custom Affirmation Stations Empowerment Experiences Affirmations I Am
I Am A Worthy Abundant Bitch Empowerment Experiences Empowerment Movement Affirmations
"What you think and believe is
"What you think and believe is
what you create and receive"
what you create and receive"

~ Rachelle Richard

Affirmations are vital to reprogramming your mind and body to KNOW truths that empower and align you with your desires rather than continue allowing the sabotaging beliefs and subconscious programming to further perpetuate and keep you stuck in what you do not desire.

Through repetition, embodiment practices and intentional aligned action, you are GUARANTEED to achieve the results you desire.

Those are some primary keys to fully discovering all of your power with and within these tools presented you. They assist you in not only navigating this self love empowerment journey -- twin flame, entrepreneurial and in all facets -- but for you to rise, thrive and FLY on it!


Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations white rings
Affirmation Station 111 Affirmations I Am Empowered Empowerment Experiences

As a poet who knows it, I was led to create a couple "lil ditty" poems for optimum impact through rhyme and rhythm.

These were then inspired to be used as part of affirmation station collections.

Whether you're looking to feel worthy and powerful right now or worthy and abundant, I've got you, Goddess. 

Affirmation Station 111 Affirmations I Am Empowered Empowerment Experiences I Am Worthy
Affirmation Station 111 Affirmations I Am Empowered Empowerment Experiences I Am Wealthy
Click your choice above to experience NOW!

~ Affirmation Station 111 ~

~ Affirmation Station 111 ~


Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations turquoise rings

I personally have used affirmations to achieve something as massively mind-blowing as a trip STARTING FROM NOTHING to India and back in LESS THAN 90 DAYS!

By "nothing", I mean no passport or funds allocated for such an adventure.

Yet, I DID IT.

And I DID IT with the use my own amateur custom created MP3 of all self love empowerment affirmations to get me there.

Now empowered with a more professional setup, I'm excited to be able to support you in this transformation journey to be aligning and embodying the SELF CHOSEN TRUE you with PERFECTLY ALIGNED affirmations for YOUR desired outcome!

Created such that I speak the affirmation then allow for ample space for you to speak it!
Even if you're unable to say it out loud yet are tuning 
your Self through your earphones and able to THINK it, you are STILL retraining your brain to think and believe what you WANT it to think and believe!!

AffirmationStation111 CAS thumbnail.png

~ Rachelle Richard

Through this co-created empowerment experience, you get to choose and customize upwards of 20 - 40 affirmations -- out of nearly 200 suggestions offered! -- that I will personally record and edit into an MP3 that's either three or five minutes long.

They will flow and correspond with each other so you stay in flow for as long as you desire to be practicing the embodiment of this intentionally chosen True You...

until you're finally LIVING LIFE AS HER.


When you purchase a Custom Affirmation Station

option in the Shop, you will immediately receive a

multi-page download with detailed instructions and

packed with nearly 200 affirmations you may

choose from, alter or create your own.

You choose and customize the affirmations.

You can create and add your own, too!

When you WRITE and type out your list of affirmations (there IS a powerful reason you need you to do this for your Self!) and send it to me, make sure to include your song selection for the background music.

Or go without and have only affirmations!

Select which of the NINE music options you would like for the background.

Music Selections:

1 - Amazing (LC*)

2 - Deep Into Nature (MoW**)

3 - Forgotten Place (LC)

4 - Inspire (LC)

5 - Space (LC)

6 - Upbeat Morning (LC)

7 - Our Peaceful Ocean (MoW)

8 - Inner Calling (MoW)

9 - Upbeat Inspiration (LC)


Hear them all on the player here!

You will receive a confirmation email FROM ME PERSONALLY within 48 hours from when you email your selected affirmations after which the creation of your station will begin.

If any affirmations need adjusting to ensure the outcome you are seeking, I will make such adjustments and send for your approval.

I will then record, edit and create for you the most aligned affirmation station for embodying the life you are creating.

Please allow 3-5 business days for your CUSTOM station to be completed once confirmation of your selections has been finalized.

When finished, a private link to directly download your MP3 will be emailed to you!

Your Custom Affirmation Station will be approximately

3 or 5 minutes long and able to perfectly flow on repeat so you can reprogram your mind into alignment with creating the life you desire!

For any inquiries, please message me through my Contact page and I'll respond as quickly as I can.

Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations white rings

*(LC) is musical artist Liborio Conti who offers his beautiful music COPYRIGHT and ROYALTY FREE for personal AND commercial use.

**(MoW) is which also offers beautiful music for personal and commercial use with specific limitations consisting of creating OVER the music.
(Subliminals are NOT permitted yet affirmations and guided meditations ARE.)


Empowerment Experiences Coaching Card Readings Affirmations white rings

The empowerment movement created with a single powerful AF affirmation:


Because when, not if, someone calls you a bitch, we're here to help you clarify which!

Created by Rachelle Richard and Jessica Diaz. Backed by Empowerment Experiences ~

both the company and the ACTUAL real life empowerment experiences that led to its inspiration and creation.

I Am A Worthy Abundant Bitch Empowerment Experiences Empowerment Movement Affirmations

Recently discovered Ask-firmations are affirmations presented in the form of questions intending to circumvent the resistance within when you are not yet knowing and embodying what you're speaking.

While the download list of nearly 200 affirmations does not include them in the form of "Ask-firmations", you may simply request in your chosen list reply email to have them presented as QUESTIONS that will begin accordingly with either "Wouldn't it be nice if..." or "What if..."

Examples include:
What if I am choosing to believe I have the power to change my life?

What if I know life is getting better and better more and more every day?

Wouldn't it be nice knowing the Universe always has my back?

Wouldn't it be nice if I were done chasing and replacing

and instead were relaxing and attracting?

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Empowerment Experiences

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