I never need call out a name or even make a sound.
For the knowing deep within always means I’m found.
I only must tune in and like a genie in a bottle,
My Pegasus appears quick, fast and full throttle.
When this world becomes too much to bear
And it seems as though there’s just no care,
My Pegasus will come to help me fly away
Because it’s forever with me, always will it stay.
Ever ready to lift me up in all the ways it can
To show me a better view from atop its full wing span.
Shifting my perspective, helping me to see
That my power isn’t missing… it’s inside of me.
~ Rachelle Richard
Whether you’re new around here or have been sharing in the journey since the beginning, it is clear that around here we focus on cultivating an empowered perspective. Or what I call a Pegasus Perspective of Power(C)TM.
What is a Pegasus Perspective?
It’s about developing and honing the ability to see as many perspectives as possible, from hooves on the ground up close and personal to flying high in the sky for a bigger picture. This empowers us to have the best view of any situation in order to choose the best direction to go. It’s about revealing where our fears may be hiding or sabotaging us, then shifting and expanding our perspectives in all ways needed to see where our power is to conquer and overcome the fears. It’s about allowing us the power of perspective to cultivate deeper trust in each our own gifts and abilities so to transmute fear altogether.
Four Powerful Reasons to Cultivate a Pegasus Perspective of Power(C)TM
1. Power of CLARITY –
By allowing your Self the opportunity to explore other perspectives, regardless of preference or opinion, you give your Self the gift of greater clarity by viewing the situation or circumstance through as many other lenses and angles as possible. This allows for a broader view and greater opportunity to reveal the solution or path regarding the situation.
2. Power of CONFIDENCE –
The more you do something, the better at it you get, the more confident you become. You don’t just become more confident in what it is you are doing but you also become more confident in your Self and your ability to do other things!
3. Power of EXPANSION –
By cultivating a Pegasus Perspective of Power, you naturally expand not only your perspective but your entire realm of experience. This obviously then expands YOU into more of who you have come here to be. Additionally, it expands you in your capacity and ability to harness your power of perspective as well as any other power within.
4. Power of EMPOWERMENT –
Above all, cultivating a Pegasus Perspective of Power will with absolute certainty grant you the support needed to be expanding your power of being empowered. You are, after all, developing a perspective focused on looking for, finding and reclaiming your power, therefore, the practice of cultivating a Pegasus Perspective of Power will naturally nurture and amplify your power within.
If you’ve been feeling stuck and stranded along your path to reclaiming power in any way, a Pegasus Perspective may very well be the key to unblocking your path and getting you back on track toward your desired vision.
It’s important to make sure you have a vision. Otherwise, you’ll find your Self blowing freely in the winds with no way to guide your direction through stormy weather. Whatever circumstance you desire to be true for you, be sure to actually write out your vision!
Take time to see the things you wish to change – from where you live to who lives in your life, where you work to what you do and how it looks to how it feels, whatever it may be. Then write out how you would prefer them to be. Then, as you begin to lean into your vision, you’ll discover all the potholes and road blocks within your Self that are set up to keep you where you are and apart from your vision. This is when you must intentionally cultivate a Pegasus Perspective of Power.
Four Empowering Ways You Can Be Cultivating a Pegasus Perspective of Power(C)TM
1. For Greater Clarity –
One of the most powerful ways to form a question that expands your perspective and allows for greater clarity is with the words What if. Of course, this is so often asked from a negative perspective as the self-doubt, fear and all other forms of self sabotage keep you in this low vibe disempowering state of being.
If your mind is causing chaos by keeping you busy with such thoughts as:
What if it doesn’t work out?
What if I’m not strong enough?
What if I’m not good enough?
What if I fail?
You have to be the one to intentionally also ask these questions of your thoughts:
What if it does work out in my favor?
What if I am strong enough?
What if I am good enough?
What if I succeed beyond what I can even imagine??
By allowing your Self to ask and explore all paths and potentialities, particularly the one(s) you’d prefer to experience, you expand not only your perspective but also your optimism, your faith, awareness of your abilities and certainly more confidence in your Self and your vision awaiting you down an unfamiliar path. Your expansion into greater clarity supports you in leaning more confidently into the unknown, thereby empowering you to push through with far greater ease the fear and self sabotaging fuckery that gets thrown along your path to trip you up and keep you from the outcome you desire.
As you foster this greater clarity for your Self and your vision awaiting you just around the bend, you next want to nurture the confidence said clarity is offering you. This clarity-fueled confidence is sure to power you through the perceived road blocks and around the corner to your desired vision with eagerness and ease.
2. For More Confidence –
With this new found clarify, you can fuel your confidence by doing one very simple yet powerful AF practice…
You have a clarified vision.
You have a clarified perspective about your vision.
Now you need to embody your vision so your confidence in its existence becomes impenetrable!
This is a perfect time to further clarify your vision, add to it, refine it, expand on it.
Describe how it feels with all your senses – sight, sound, smell, touch.
Set time aside daily to be in it in your mind, body and spirit.
As you spend this time connecting with your vision, your confidence in its outcome will grow as will the confidence in your Self to rise up to any and all challenges that are presented to you along this path to your vision. See your Self taking the actions that may feel scary now and watch how they become less and less scary the more you see your Self doing them.
This is when you want to expand further into, well, expansion. A broader expansion of your vision, of your abundance, of your abilities, of your Pegasus Perspective and all other areas you can expand into is what will expand YOU to be able to receive all that is your desired vision.
3. For Broader Expansion –
To be cultivating a broader expansion, rather than beating your Self up for what you haven’t gotten done or how much further along you’d be if you would have made better use of your time, celebrate your Self for all you HAVE gotten done and how far along you ARE because of the things you HAVE chosen to spend time on.
These words coming to me as I’m led to finally finish writing this blog, starting with exactly this section after I’d just gotten done creating the final draft of my brand new gift to you -- the Pain to Power Pegasus Perspective Project©TM that unintentionally turns out to fit PERFECTLY in this section!
An intuitively divinely guided path to be now led to the words and guidance I am to share with you for how to cultivate a broader expansion with a simple project... the Pain to Power Pegasus Perspective Project©TM that you can download here if you desire more of the following mind expanding, perspective expanding, in so many ways expanding journal prompt guidance:
As you can clearly see, a clear path to cultivating greater expansion is through the intentional expansion of your perspective, particularly from one that’s disempowering to one that is empowering. Through this process, if you allow, you are sure to come up with multiple perspectives associated with each pain and power points. This is where additional journal space is recommended.
I also recommend you put this project in your self love empowerment tool box so you can access it anytime you feel weighed down with negative thoughts, paralyzing fears and painful feelings. Pull it out and get to shifting, Goddess! The power is in YOUR hands.
If you’re ready and eager to further expand your power through more dismantling and shifting of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings from painful to powerful, download this power packed 10 page Pegasus Perspective Project ©TM guide for Shifting Pain to Power here today!
4. For Stronger Empowerment –
To have stronger empowerment is to be more embodied in your empowered state of Being. Because it is important to truly integrate any new found personal power, you can start by simply allowing your Self to FEEL more empowered. This comes in the form of feeling more confidence in your Self, more trust in your Self, more certainty in your ability to do something.
By simply asking your Self:
What can I do to feel more empowered?
What can I think to feel more empowered?
What can I do to feel more confident?
What can I think to feel more confident?
What can I do to trust my Self more?
What can I think to trust my Self more?
What can I do to have more certainty in my ability to ________________________?
What can I think to have more certainty in my ability to ___________________________?
You get the idea, yes? It’s truly incredible how profoundly powerful some of the simplest questions are. These and others like them are most certainly power packed. Use them at will and often. You’re guaranteed to feel more empowered, more confident, more trusting and more certain than you’ve ever been.
This is the intentional cultivation of a POSITIVE Pegasus Perspective©TM. An ever-expanding path of discovery forever focusing on exploring more angles and opportunities to reclaim power, sometimes it requires asking a few of the right questions. Other times, it’s implementing a practice because the answers have already been revealed. Regardless of what tool is required for the task at hand, make sure you’ve expanded your Self to bring with you a Pegasus Perspective©TM of power so you can look for, find and reclaim your power with far greater ease.
By: Rachelle Richard (C)TM
If you should you call upon them, perhaps the Pegasus Pair shall carry you upon their backs when the path becomes steep and challenging. As you practice the art of surrender, allow the Universe to support you and know the Universe supports you every step along your journey.
So often we want to be just taken out of a challenging situation or circumstance, there are lessons to be learned and personal power to be reclaimed.
While, yes, Pegasus can fly, it does not mean that it always flies. For you to truly cultivate this Pegasus Perspective, you need to not only be able to see it as broadly as you can but also to be hooves on the ground IN IT to truly experience what you need to experience.
Trust that you are not alone no matter where you are along your self love empowerment journey.